February 07, 2013

Men and Handbags?

In my attempt of trying to be a hipster, handbag, however, isn't something that I would use even if they were given to me for free. I never like the feeling and the look of men carrying handbags. It just feels weird for me. However there are some acceptable ones.
This is one of them but I will still not use it.

(handbag for men)

I thought of writing this down when my friend who came for a visit brought a handbag and it was PINK! The looks that my colleagues gave….(sweat..)

(Example of a pink handbag for men)

He has a swag look except for his handbag. It was absolutely gay. Plus, with the way he walked (not so gay, but not so man!), one will definitely judge him. The way he dresses up was good (again, except for the handbag), with coat and its sleeve folded up (example shown in the picture below). Even the ladies at the reception asked me “ini you punya lecturer?!” (is this really your lecturer?). They couldn’t believe as he looks very trendy and young.

Again, this is just my thought and preference.  Handbag for men is just uncomfortable even if it looks good and doesn’t look gay! :P What do you think guys?

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