January 27, 2010
Finding that balance.
I'm actually yawning at 9pm, how pathetic is that? I'm so sleepy these days. I think studying in KL really can wear one out. Thank God there is a Seremban to return to. I don't care that it is boring, dull and uneventful.... Seremban will always be home to me and a place to escape the snares of college life.
Another semester with five subjects. I'm on a roll since August 2009. Stupid LAN subjects. Please enlighten me, readers, how is Moral Studies (MoS) and Malaysian Studies (MaS) ever important? I mean, would we use it? Would we ever want to apply it? I don't think so. Sure MoS in college is WAY better than the MoS in school, but it really isn't necessary at all! What a waste of money. But it is unfortunately compulsory for Malaysian students to take these two. I got a C for Moral Studies and did not feel a hint of pain. Shows you how much I valued it. I'm taking MaS this semester and heaven knows I need all the help in the world.
Well something new this semester would be World Religions and Research Methods. World religions is as the subject says, about religion and its' background. Reasearch Methods would be a psychology subject. It is rather dull, I must say. It teaches you the methods of research, OBVIOUSLY... and then we have to apply them to project papers and stuff.
I will keep this post short. My eyes are drrrrrrr......................................
ZZZZZZZ..... *snores*
"Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired." ~Jules Renard
January 21, 2010
A thought of a Malay in Mesir.
skrg smua tgh sibuk nak buat program. takpelah. takde rezeki saya nak join. jauh sangat.
by the way tujuan sy emel kan warkah elektronik ni adalah sekadar utk perkongsian berkaitan dengan isu penggunaan nama Allah dalam kalangan penganut bukan Islam.
saya di bumi mesir ini amat kesal dengan apa yg berlaku di malaysia, terutama dengan isu bom dan bakar gereja2 di malaysia. dengar khabarnya, dh smpai 12 gereja kne bakar, bom.
ingin saya katakan disini, bahawa, pada zaman arab quraisy lagi, mereka telah menggunakan perkataan Allah sbg nama tuhan mereka. sedangkan pada ketika itu Islam masih belum sampai kepada mereka.
sehingga sekarang, setelah beratus-ratus tahun berlalu, di mesir, penganut-penganut kritian koptik, masih lagi mengamalkan penggunaan nama Allah dalam kehidupan seharian. namun, tidak pula timbul isu bom, bakar gereja dan sebagainya.
sy disini sudah biasa dgn amalan dan budaya arab-arab mesir. tidak kiralah islam mahupun kristian, apabila berjumpa, mereka akan memberi salam. "assalamualaikum warahmatullah" .
di kuliah, apabila professor, mahupun staff-staff yg beragama kristian masuk ke dewan kuliah, mereka memberi salam dengan lengkap. kadang-kadang, mereka juga menyebut "good morning".
apabila sudah selesai kuliah, perkataan "alhamdulillah" terpacul dari mulut mereka.
apabila sy membuat temujanji bersama-sama doktor, mereka menyebut, Insyaallah.
semua ini disebut, dan diamalkan oleh msyarakat arab yg BUKAN beragama Islam. tidak pernah timbul sebarang masalah, isu , atau sebagainya.
pernah pada suatu hari saya berjalan-jalan di hadapan sebuah gereja koptik yg agak besar di bumi iskandariah ini, terdetik hati nak melihat suasana di dlm gereja.
apa yg saya lihat?
ramai yang bertudung, tetapi tidaklah bertudung sepenuhnya. mereka semua berada didalam gereja tersebut. sy agak hairan.tidak mengapalah. mungkin ada majlis lain kot. sy lihat pula di pintu gerbang gereja tersebut.
apa yang saya lihat?
sebuah bulatan besar, ditengah2nya diukir perkataan "ALLAHU AKBAR"
terkejut keseorangan, tp sy yakin, itu adalah perkataan yg telah mereka gunakan sejak zaman dahulu lagi. dan perkara ini telah sy utarakan kepada ustaz2 melayu di universti al-azhar di sini.
jika perkara2 sebegini berlaku di malaysia, saya yakin, apa yg berlaku skrg mungkin lebih teruk.
apa yang sy nampak, di malaysia, kita telah dididik, diasuh sejak kecil lagi bahawa, ALLAH itu hanya boleh digunakan oleh umat islam sahaja. sy juga begitu. kita tidak pernah mendengar org cina, india, singh dan lain-lain lagi menyebut perkataan ALLAh
mungkin penggunaan perkataan ALLAH itu boleh menimbulkan kekeliruan, dan seseorang mungkin boleh tersilap atau terpesong dari agama islam itu sendiri
tambahan pula, umat melayu sekarang masih kurang dgn alim ulama, ahli2 agama, dan sebagainya, utk mengingatkan mereka tentang ALLAH yg sebenar2nya.
tidak seperti di mesir, yg mana sheikhul azhar, hanya memakai seluar track, tshirt, dan kadang-kadang berkemeja, jumlah mereka begitu ramai, dan mereka amat disanjung, serta merekalah antara faktor2 yg menguatkan lagi Islam disini, yg menunjukkan ALLAH yg sebenar.
jadi tiada masalah dgn ALLAH di sini
pesanan saya,
terangkankan lah kepada mereka2 yg berada di malaysia, akan perkara ini. tidak ada apa yg perlu ditakutkan. kita ada ALLAH kita, mereka ada ALLAH mereka. cuma berlainan pegangan dan pendapat.
tidak adil lah jika kita membakar, atau mengebom rumah ibadat mereka. jika perkara yg sebaliknya berlaku kepada kita bagaimana?
tindakan mereka itu hanya membrukkan lagi keadaan, dan memberikan imej lebih teruk kepada masyarakat islam di malaysia.
cukuplah sekali, stesen tv aljazeera membuat liputan tentang perkara ini di malaysia. amat memalukan.
itu sahaja buat masa ini, sebarang kesalahan dalam penulisan, tersilap fakta, harap dapat diperbetulkan.
January 16, 2010
It is obvious!
From now onwards, theramblingtrio.blogspot.com will start to posts short articles that would interests our readers.

January 11, 2010
Theramblingtrio is 1 Year Old!!!
Theramblingtrio.blogspot.com is now one year old and we, the authors would like to thank the readers for supporting this blog. We would like to know which content that is preferred by our readers by voting the content that you like reading the most at the side bar.
The start of the year begins with the “ALLAH” issue which is now a hot topic of conversation among Malaysians and it’s even hotter among religion in our country. The Catholics won the court case for the usage of the word “ALLAH” in their main newspaper. Following to the victory, an appeal has been made by the Home Ministry to the court.
Like what my colleague said, many churches are being arson and up to this post that I am writing, the total number of it is 8. The case is still being discussed but they have taken their own action…… For me, the most annoying part is by the police force. They kept saying “do not accuse anyone for the incident of the churches and school and stop spreading SMS that can threatened the peace and harmony of the country”…… what the heaven!! It’s like they are saying that we are the one who is responsible for all that!! That’s not all, they also kept saying “jangan risau, semuanya dalam kawalan”…… YEA RITE and more churches and schools are still being attacked. On the other hand, the ones who could think wisely have offered their help to patrol the churches and they are Non-governmental organizations(NGO) which consists of Malays. They are good example how the others should be.....
No doubt the Mr. Barisan National is going to be affected in the next election even the Malays are voting for the DAP and the non-Malays are voting for Pakatan and Pas just for the sake of bringing the Mr. Barisan down.
Lexus LFA
Recently, Lexus has come out with their first supercar called the LFA. It looks good, it’s fast, has fantastic display which is computerized-because analog meters are too slow to react with the drastic change of the engines and all but the only problem is that it costs 340 000 pounds. Compared to other cool cars that I would choose instead of the Lexus is DB9, Lamborghini Murchilago, Ferarri 599 and many more cool cars that cost half the price of a LFA.
4.8 litre of V10 engine
553 horse power at 8,700 rpm
rear-wheel drive
0 to 100km/h in 3.7 s
top speed of 325km/h

Don't forget to vote!
January 10, 2010
1Malaysia has just kissed its grave.
I get the by-elections, the squabbles, the dumb stupid statements, the idiotic actions, the injustice, the scandals. It's what we're quite known for, no?
But to burn down churches because of the word "ALLAH"?
First of all, I would just like to say that God/Allah is only a word if that person doesn't believe and practice the laws that He put before us. So when people go around burning churches down, and causing racial disunity, I daresay His name really is merely a syllable to them.
GOOD JOB, Malaysia! Seriously... What is the point of 1Malaysia when these people are causing so much of division? Already the country is on the rocks, and they wanna go mess things up for everyone? I know it's very harsh and cruel of me to say this but 1Malaysia is dead. No effort has been made to revive this. It's almost all about the money for these politicians.
I really have nothing else to say about this country. What else is there to say, when they are doing all the talking and the condemning?
It's official. The government will indeed lose their seating to the Opposition team in the next general election. There just have been too many screw-ups already and some of them haven't even been cleared yet! Too many problems, too much of talking, but yet so little actions... in fact, there almost aren't.
God help us all. Because I think only He knows how much Malaysians need Him right now.